Fakefull Original 2017
[ · Download from mirror () ]23-06-2017, 2:46 PM

Dupa ce descarcati sma-ul puteti complia cu ajutorul web compilerului oferit de CS16.ro Amx Copiler
Acest plugin adauga 3 boti la spectatori

1. Fisierul fakefull_original.sma il puneti in
2. Fisierul fakefull_original.amxx il puneti in addons/amxmodx/plugins
3. Fisierul botnames.txt il puneti in addons/amxmodx/configs
4. Intrati in fisierul addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini si adaugati la urma: fakefull_original.amxx

4. Alti pasi necesari....

Cvar-uri (se adauga in fisierul amxmodx\configs\amxx.cfg):

amx_addfake 3 (numarul de playerifake doriti pe server,de preferat 3)
//<1 = ON || 0 = OFF>
ff_automode 0

//Minimal number of fake and real clients on the server.
//Fake clients will be kicked so that the total players on the
//Server equals this number. If there are more players than this
//All the fake players will be gone. Do NOT set this at or aboive
//your max player count or no one will be able to join
//REQUIRED to be above 0 for Automatic mode.
ff_players 3

//Delay between each fake client joins/leaves.
//REQUIRED to be above 0 for Automatic mode and regular bot add.
ff_delay 1

Comenzi administrative (se tasteaza in consola si trebuie sa fiti administrator):

amx_addfake 3 | Adauga 3 boti pe server
amx_removefake 3 | Scoate 3 boti de pe server
Comenzi publice (se tasteaza in joc prin apasarea tastei Y):

Module necesare (se sterge ; din fata modulului de mai jos; acestea le gasiti in fisierul amxmodx\configs\modules.ini):

Category: Plugins CS 1.6 | Added by: spk_olle | Tags: 3 boti spec, fakefull
Views: 884 | Downloads: 488 | Rating: 0.0/0
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